Full Circle



Paradoxical Monday

Well, usually I hate Mondays (as you may have gathered from my last post), yet today doesn't seem so bad. Actually, it's a good day today.. on the brink of great even! I'm not quite certain exactly why, but it's a happy day today.. which is awesome!
Damn, I really gotta get running again. I've been slacking off ever since the whole eye injury high jinks went on. I think I've only run about three times since.. which is horrible. Well today is a good day for it; cloudy and might rain, no intense sun burning down on you (or me, in this case).
Summer has been pretty slow.. but I guess it's supposed to be. My days have consisted of work, sleep, drinking, and little else. I probably would have killed for this a few months ago, so I might as well enjoy it.
Alright, new theory: when I'm high, I completely zone into psycological behaviour. For instance, when someone says or does something, I totally analyze the situation way too much and determine all reasoning behind the action; be it due to subconcious instinctual, social, protective (etc.) influences (or all of the above). I used to think about things too much like this a few years ago.. then after I got into the heavy drinking it slowed down a bit. Probably killed off a few too many braincells.. either that or I just stopped caring. Anyway, the weed seems to re-stimulate that behaviour in me... or, more likely, I'm just some dumbass who happens to be fascinated with the deranging effects of marijuana.
Anywho, that's all for now folks.